How to Prepare for the Holidays Using Digital Signage

Start now with your holiday preparations by using digital signage in the following ways.

Post vacation policies and holiday closings

However you coordinate holiday work schedules, be sure all employees know the policy well in advance. Advertise it frequently and send reminders about deadlines for time-off requests if you have them. Digital signs can also be a great way to remind employees about paid holidays – your employees will appreciate the opportunity to plan their personal holiday time with family in advance.

Share holiday events and activities

From Secret Santa exchanges, virtual holiday parties or community outreach events, your holiday activity schedule can be advertised through digital signage. By regularly posting about upcoming events, including date, time, place, and participation requirements, you can make sure everyone has ample notice. Incorporate fun graphics ahead of the event to encourage participation, and share entertaining photos after each activity to promote team camaraderie.  

Using professionally design templates for community outreach and holiday messages allows you to add details and publish your messages quickly.  

Offer wellness and holiday safety ideas

The holiday season can always be stressful, but this year’s holidays are shaping up to be especially taxing. Keep your employee morale high by sprinkling  wellness and holiday safety ideas throughout your digital sign rotations. From food prep safety, decoration safety tips or holiday shopping safety , your employees will appreciate some inspiration for ways to keep the ones they love safe..

Remind employees about open enrollment deadlines

Although this isn’t truly holiday-related, most open enrollment periods occur at the end of the year around the holidays. Unfortunately, this can mean benefits enrollment deadlines get lost in the shuffle in competing for your employees’ attention. Using your digital signage to remind employees of upcoming deadlines is helpful, but your signs can also be a great way to advertise benefits tools, upcoming workshops, or other helpful benefits enrollment resources.

Organize customer support needs

Many businesses see an increase in sales and customer support needs during the holidays. Whether you are shipping extra merchandise or providing customized support services, you’ll need a reliable way to organize the additional influx in business. Your digital signs can be a great tool for displaying the day’s high-priority shipments, real-time updates on last-minute order changes, or general operational notices. With the right digital signage solution, you can integrate a customized template for your operation that makes displaying this helpful information practically effortless. Not only will this help avoid operational bottlenecks, but it will also keep employees motivated as they see progress made throughout the workday.

Give thanks

While it’s important to make employees feel appreciated all year long, it’s especially important to show your thanks around the holidays. Employees are working harder than ever, and their efforts make it possible for you to fulfill your commitments to customers. To make sure your appreciation comes across as sincere, get creative with your effort to show thanks:

  • Give thanks for specific teams that went above and beyond to help clients.
  • Create a poll for employees to submit appreciation for their coworkers, managers, or teams and display it on your signs using a QR code.
  • Offer a dress-down day, an ice cream social, or other special rewards as a show of thanks.
  • Post the menu on your signs for several days before bringing in catered Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. This will give employees something to look forward to and help them plan in advance.

Celebrate big wins

Employees don’t always know that their contributions are noticed and appreciated. Sharing a slideshow of the “year in review”  can do many things for your employee morale, including:

  • Giving employees confidence about the company’s future.
  • Providing a sense of accomplishment for contributing to major projects and reaching company or team goals.
  • Building a sense of teamwork  among coworkers and an affinity for your company.

Use your digital signage to celebrate big wins throughout your organization so all employees feel included and appreciated. These notices can also inject some positivity and enthusiasm into hectic holiday workdays.

Stay Prepared with Digital Signage

Using digital signage in creative ways can help you not only stay better prepared to handle unexpected business fluctuations during the holidays, but it can also help you build team morale, transition to the new year, and encourage employees to review your digital signage frequently.

If you don’t already have a digital signage solution in place, this time of year is an excellent opportunity to reap the benefits of a well-organized digital communication plan. Talk to one of our digital signage experts to discuss your company needs or get a first-hand look at Indigo’s digital signage solution by scheduling a demo.

The holiday season is a busy time for many businesses.  Utilizing tools such as digital signage can help your company reduce stress and maximize your operational potential. By using digital signage strategically, you can also set your employees and your organization up for a successful start to the new year.