Sandy Smith

Copy Writer/Account Coordinator

Sandy serves the Indigo team as an Account Coordinator … dedicating herself to learning everything she can about our client’s business, culture, and employees to be a valuable information resource they can rely on. Nicknamed the Librarian by her team members, Sandy also works closely with the technical and design teams to assist withmaterial development. 

Always committed to personal growth, Sandy brings a diverse skill set developed for over 30 years of experience in research, training, publishing, program development, and administration. These skills, along with her eye for detail and dedication allow her to serve in a multi-functional role as a copywriter and developer in addition to Account Coordinator.

Working for Indigo, according to Sandy, is both exciting and challenging. “Our world is constantly evolving and I want our clients to be ahead of the game with the bestinformation possible for their most valuable resource,  their employees. The level of dedication, talent, and creativity of my co-workers is inspiring yet humbling at the same time. I love being part of a team that encourages and supports each other. No matter what the topic or subject matter, everyone here believes in engaging, effective communication tailored to our client’s audience.”

Sandy has a Bachelor of Science degree from Texas Tech University. When she is not in the office, she lives with her husband in Carrollton, TX. She has three grown sons who still listen to her “motherly” advice as they experience life’s adventures. Sandy often works with the youth program at her church and volunteers in the community. She also enjoys reading, travel adventures, hiking, the outdoors and growing peppers.